Opening Hours
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Welcome to The Nest

Our infant and toddler room


A kind and calming environment

When you enter The Nest you’ll be warmly welcomed by our team of loving, professional, and very capable teachers. All have a combined wealth of knowledge, qualifications, and experience.

The Nest environment reflects a comforting home away from home look and feel while it is equally safe, inclusive, inviting, and stimulating.

We have a beautiful garden with indoor and outdoor flow, so our youngest children can access it with ease and independence. 

Here we offer an abundance of natural resources, including heuristic play, and treasure baskets. These are reflective of our passion for child lead and open-ended play. This allows infants and toddlers the opportunity to embrace their ability for natural curiosity, self-discovery and exploration.

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Unhurried Care Routines

Following Magda Gerber’s RIE approach, we strongly believe in offering respectful, unhurried practice in our daily interactions with infants and toddlers, especially during care routines.

We treat your child as capable and understanding of the world around them, allowing them to flourish by giving them a safe space and freedom to discover who they are. 

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Ready to Enrol?

We would love to meet you. Get in touch and enquire about spaces.